StartUp City


First place
“TBot” is a concept presented by Arbër Bega, Leonor Caka dhe Uranik Kallaba
T-Bot was awarded with a 2500 euro price as the first winners of StartUp City 3rd edition. It is a startup in the field of robotics and education. He intends encouraging future engineers with products bringing STEM education to Kosovo and Albania in an easy and fun way. They will soon launch the first two products: Riobot and XY Plotter.

Second Place
“Romix” is a concept presented by Xhenson Çela.
He was awarded with a 1000 euro price as the second winners of StartUp City 4th edition. We find Romix in the market with two products: graphic novels and toys. Graphic novels are a space for stories about human rights, forced evictions, multiculturalism or Balkan legends. While Romix Toys aims to produce toys, accessories and craft souvenirs based on graphic novels.

Third Place
“BioTech Agriculture”
Çmimi i tretë për ekipin e Endrit Ametit, Arianit Selmanit dhe Erjon Ametit kishin idenë BioTech Agriculture që do të suportohet nga Metropolitan Incubator me mentorim të vazhdueshëm.
The most Innovative Start-Up
Project : “Parklik”
Team : Grasjela Qyli and Marjana Banaj
Best Start-up in Technology
Project :“Intell drive App”
Team : Megi Kurti
Best Entrepreneur
Project : “Shkruaj Shqip. al”
Team : Klaudio Lushka and Igli Kodra
President of Tirana Metropolitan University
Minister of State for Enterprise Protection
Marketing Department Manager in OTP Bank Albania
GeneralSecretary, ICC Albania
General Administrator of “SIGAL”.
Project Manager in Partners Albania
Business Consultant
Professor Metropolitan University of Tirana-Faculty of Economics
President of Tirana Metropolitan University
Minister of State for Enterprise Protection
Marketing Department Manager in OTP Bank Albania
GeneralSecretary, ICC Albania
General Administrator of “SIGAL”.
Project Manager in Partners Albania
Business Consultant
Professor Metropolitan University of Tirana-Faculty of Economics